How we work

We are a passionate association dedicated to creating positive change in our societies. ESIP Members join forces and coordinate action in order to build a better future for all.

Standing Committees

The Brussels-based ESIP Secretariat is tasked with organising a series of regular and ad hoc meetings for our Members throughout the year.

Our experts meet regularly, at least four times annually, in Brussels. They exchange in the context of the five Standing Committees. In-between meetings, ESIP staff and Committee coordinators pursue important monitoring and follow-up activities to keep Members informed of the latest developments in EU policies.

In addition to the Standing Committees, ESIP has also set up more flexible Working Groups that gather two to three times a year, depending on the Members' needs. Working Groups cannot act as independent entities nor publish their own positions; however, they might support ESIP in doing so.

Members in both the Standing Committees & the Working Groups have the opportunity to exchange not only amongst themselves but also with relevant external stakeholders as well.

Health Policy Committee

The Health Committee provides a forum for exchange on national, international policies and strategies that impact national social health insurers and health systems. The members of the Committee monitor and advocate on behalf of the social health insurers (payers) on EU legislative and non-legislative initiatives and provide expert input to EU-level working groups. The Committee tackles issues such as pharmaceuticals, medical devices, Health Technology Assessment (HTA), cross-border healthcare, e- and m-health, patient safety and quality.

Coordinator: Benedetta Baldini

Pension Committee

The Pension Committee is a forum for exchange on national & European policies impacting on national statutory pension insurers. It monitors and advocates EU legislative & non-legislative initiatives and provides expertise in the field of retirement provision, pension topics related to the introduction of a European Pillar of Social Rights, the role of pensions in the macroeconomic governance of the EU and the European Semester, EU pension information, labour-market connected topics such as flexible/ part-time retirement, conditions for early retirement, and information on ongoing pension reforms.

Coordinator: Alessandro Scelfo

Family and Social Inclusion Committee

The Family and Social Inclusion (FaSI) Committee is based on two pillars that may interact with one another. On one hand, the Committee deals with family policy issues including childcare facilities and services, parental support, changes in family patterns or family benefits. On the other hand, it monitors social inclusion topics such as fight against poverty, especially through family poverty or poverty at work, minimum income or activation measures. It provides a forum for exchange of practices as well as analyses of EU initiatives that can impact its members. It contributes to the elaboration of positions on such EU initiatives as well as participating to European projects (i.e. European reconciliation package).

Coordinator: Alessandro Scelfo

Disability and Rehabilitation Committee

ESIP's DisRe Committee is a dynamic platform that fosters exchanges of information around common activities encountered by the institutions managing rehabilitation and reintegration services and promoting the accessibility, for example of products and services, for people with disabilities. The Committee also provides expert input to the European institutions in questions related to disabilities and rehabilitation. Topics discussed include among others rehabilitation and return to work strategies in national social security organisations, the European Disability Strategy, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Coordinator: Gregor Kemper

EurelPro Committee

The EurelPro Committee is a forum for representatives of statutory liberal professions schemes. The Committee exchanges on the functioning of national systems of among others retirement schemes for liberal professions governed by the European social security coordination rules. EurelPro monitors European policies impacting on these schemes including the revision of social security coordination, the proposed services package, the European Pillar of Social Rights, the EESSI and the Eurogroup’s benchmarking of pension sustainability.

Coordinator: Mira Schoetens

(Un)employment Working Group
Working Group

The (Un)Employment Working Group gathers representatives from social security organisations competent on employment and unemployment issues, including the provision of unemployment benefits and employment services such as job assessment, reactivation and training as well as the enforcement of EU unemployment benefit rules, especially in cross-border situations. The Working Group also tackles the issues of the fight against fraud and error, including the use of data mining tools and the challenges linked to the respect of data protection rules, including the GDPR. The Working Group also monitors the major EU initiatives of impact such as the European Pillar of Social Rights, the work of the European Labour Authority (ELA) and initiatives around various projects towards a potential reinsurance mechanism for national unemployment insurance systems.

Coordinator: Alessandro Scelfo

Funding Working Group
Working Group

In order to meet the need expressed by several ESIP members responsible for the collection and recovery of social contributions, ESIP set up a Working Group dedicated to the financing of social security systems. The Funding Working Group deals with all aspects of funding of benefits and services, cash flow, audit, control, inspection and recovery of social contributions and benefits. The Group specifically exchanges on some common challenges such as the emergence of new forms of work and their integration in social protection systems as well as the fight against social fraud and the recovery of contributions and benefits in a cross-border context. 

Coordinator: Alessandro Scelfo