Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie

Avenue du Maine 66, 75694 Paris Cedex 14
Phone: +33 1 42 79 30 30
Risks and Benefits
Sickness and maternity benefits Employment injury and occupational diseases Invalidity and survivors benefits

European Social and Health Policy focus

Social Protection – Compulsory Health Insurance – Additional Health Insurance – Coordination of the different Social Security systems

Free movement of people (migrant workers, cross-border commuter, health professionals…)

Free movement of goods (medicines, medical structures...)

European Health Insurance Card

Cross border cooperation

Public Health – Prevention – Medical Care quality

GATS – The services (e.g., hospitals)

Reimbursement of the elderly medical expenses and their “life needs” and reimbursement of the medical care for long diseases

Aim, structure and tasks of the organization

Built under the ordinance of October, 1945, the Social Security system covers today all the population.

The term Security Social System takes into consideration the whole compulsory legal systems of social protection that insure the protection of their national insurance contributors.

The general Social Security System, for the salaried employees of trade and industry and some categories linked to it, insures around 85% of the population. It covers three fields: Health Insurance, Retirement Pension and Family Benefit.

At the beginning the system was reserved for salaried employees and their families, but gradually it integrated other classes of the population.

The CNAM (the French National Health Fund) is a public administrative establishment. It heads a network of 250 Health Insurance organisations. The CNAMTS is in charge of bringing the financial funds by two different ways of management for: the health insurance, maternity pension, invalidity pension, death and the accidents at work and occupational diseases insurance.

The Universal Disease Cover (CMU), created on January 1st of 2000, allows every person living in France to benefit from medical care reimbursement, whatever their occupation.