Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Vieillesse
Avenue de Flandre 110, F – 75951 Paris cédex 19
+ 33 1 55 45 50 17
+ 33 1 40 37 88 80
Risks and Benefits
Old-age pensions - Survivors benefits
European Social and Health Policy focus
Open Method of Coordination
Aim, structure and tasks of the organization
CNAV is a state owned administrative body with a dual role: as the national office, it defines the strategy of the pensions branch with regard to old age and widow's pensions and social welfare. In the Paris region, it is directly responsible for managing the general pension scheme. It manages contributors' accounts, calculates pension and social welfare entitlements and makes the corresponding payments. In the other regions of France these functions are handled by the regional and general offices of the pension branch.