
Phone: +358 10 7511
Risks and Benefits
European Social and Health Policy focus
Monitoring pension policy initiatives in the EU
Open method of coordination in the field of social protection
European Semester and Europe2020 strategy
The coordination of social security schemes and relevant ECJ rulings
Reforms and development of pension and disability schemes in EU Member States
Aim, structure and tasks of the organization
As a statutory co-operation body, the Finnish Centre for Pensions operates in support of a sustainable, reliable, fair and efficiently organized pension provision. We produce official statistics on pensions, maintain registers and provide services common to the decentralized earnings-related pension scheme.
Clients utilizing our expertise include pension providers in the private and public sectors, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela), the authorities, decision-makers, researchers, educational institutions, the media, as well as the insured and policyholders.
We are also an international liaison body: we forward pension applications filed in Finland to pension providers abroad and respond to various pension queries.
As a research institution accredited by the EU, our research is valued and used in the assessment and development of the earnings-related pension scheme in Finland.
Our objectives, administration and funding are defined by the Act on the Finnish Centre for Pensions, a Council of State regulation on our operations and the working order approved by our Board.