Assessing the EU Disability Strategy 2010-2020

13. Nov 2019

The European Commission opened a public consultation on the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 which aims at implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) at EU level.

In its response to the public consultation, ESIP highlights some aspects, in particular the access to early childhood education and care (ECEC), which was not specifically addressed by the Strategy, as well as the implementation of the right to work and the fostering of a “digital inclusion”.

Ensuring access to early childhood education and care of a high quality is essential to support children with disabilities in early inclusion into society and foster their future employability. Families as well as all relevant actors should be involved.

In addition, the implementation of the right to work enshrined in the UN CRPD, including for those who acquire a disability in the course of employment, is crucial to enable persons with disabilities to attain a maximum level of independence. The promotion of employment opportunities and career advancement as well as vocational training and professional rehabilitation are key to ensure this.

Besides, another key element is to ensure a digital inclusion meaning that all can contribute to and benefit from the digital economy and society. The risk of digital exclusion of persons with disabilities should be tackled, while making digital inclusion a horizontal principle within all relevant policies.

Finally, ESIP underlines that there is a lack of strong evidence regarding the link between the implementation of the Strategy and the improvement of the lives of persons with disabilities. Further statistical data and a better reporting and assessment of results are necessary to improve the evaluation of the Strategy.

Find out more in ESIP’s statement.