Recommendations on Digitalisation of Social Security Coordination

06. Nov 2023

In November 2023, we published our Recommendations on the digitalisation of social security coordination in Europe.

This new set of recommendations comes as a response to the European Commission's Communication on the matter published on the 6th of September 2023. These recommendations chart the course for European institutions to take in implementing fit-for-purpose, business-oriented, user-friendly digital tools for social security coordination. It is critical to remember that digitalisation is a means to an end, rather than the other way around.

ESIP emphasises that digitalisation requires both short- and long-term planning, taking into consideration the specificities of the social security world and the realities on the ground. A European digital architecture should simplify procedures, increase system efficiency, and improve the services to  citizens and companies. National statutory social security organisations are already implementing digital solutions and have expertise that could support the digitalisation of the social security sector on the European level, if taken into account as early as possible in the design and implementation of European digital initiatives. The lack of a clear, comprehensive, and coherent vision in the Commission Communication may hinder further developments in this area.

In addition, ESIP stresses the need to further improve and modernise the current Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information (EESSI) system as a top priority based on a comprehensive assessment. This would pave the way for better digital solutions supporting social security coordination.

Moreover, on 11 September 2023, ESIP published a press release reacting to the Communication on digitalisation of social security coordination, presented by the European Commission. Find out more here.