Social security & gender equality: an ESIP event

14. Nov 2019

Taking the opportunity of the renewal of EU institutions, the members of the Family and social inclusion committee (FaSI) of the European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP) are organising a meeting in Brussels to discuss with relevant decision-makers and stakeholders the link between the design of family policies and of social security systems with gender equality.

Indeed, while social security systems can sometimes reproduce gender inequalities already existing in society, the design of social security policies and family policies in particular have a role to play to compensate and prevent this inequality between genders.

This event is co-organised with the support of MEP Miapetra Kumpula-Natri (S&D, Finland). It will feature as speakers MEP Dennis Radtke (EPP, DE) and MEP Kim Van Sparrentak (Greens-EFA, NL), as well as a representative of the European Commission's DG JUST, Antero Kiviniemi, Social Affairs Attaché at the Finnish Permanent Representation, as well as Gilles Kounowski, from the French family benefits scheme CNAF. 

What are the interactions between the design of social security schemes, especially family policies and gender equality? How can we ensure that social security effectively supports gender equality? What are some best practices at national level and what action is needed at EU level? These are the questions that our speakers will be tackling.  

Find out more about the event.